We went minature golfing in Draper. It was so much fun. My date had to jump the fence a few times because I hit it too hard!! Lace showed us up by being the only one that got a hole in one.
My cute date & i! He's from south america and has an awesome accent. He goes to BYU and plays Rugby.
Lace and her date Ken, they dominated us.
We went to Iceberg and got ice cream. It was SO YUMMY! Notice the woman with the mullett behind the boys. ew.
We went back to our place and watched Seven Pounds. It was a very fun first date!:)
Saturday we had school and then Tara came over for a girls night. We watched three chick flicks back to back. It was so much fun. We had to get use out of our weekly blockbuster pass! We watched What A Girl Wants, Serendipity & Blind Dating and we rented Mama Mia for another day:)
Kristen Mitchell came to visit! It was SO much fun seeing her! We were best friends when I lived in Tennessee and she is going to Dixie College right now. It had been like 7 years since we had seen eachother! She came to church with us. She is even a little smaller than me in height and so stinkin cute! I love her Tennessee accent. It brings back so many memories! It was so much fun having her over and having her at church!! We kept re-living old memories we shared! I hope to see more of her!!
p.s we got tickets for only $15 dollars to see Kelly Clarkson Live at UVU next Monday! We are so excited, we are ALWAYS jamming out to Kelly!

Y'all are cute little friends!! Just the same size. HA!
I'm glad your taking lots of pictures and making great memories, this is a great expierence for you, so thankful it is in Utah Love you
He's cute missy. Why didn't you pucker up?? :) I love you so much!
How fun it is for me to see Kristin and you together! It seems just like yesterday you two were little girls playing together! It was so fun having you participate in our family home evening! You are a strength to all!
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