i loved being home. it was so much fun just to simply walk around the house, smell my mama's homemade bread in the air, hug my doggies and just be with my family that i adore.
i even enjoyed cleaning.. mama hired me to be her cleaning lady before family came in for thanksgiving.
here are some of my favorite memories from the trip..
goodbye utah..

ok, ok so i danced and sang to tunes the whole ride.. so what?
i had good company that didn't seem to mind much.. not to mention i had a few giggle attacks..hah
yes, blow pops made the car ride more enjoyable. and yes, im addicted {i think i had four in an hour.. record?}

why helloooo my beautiful sunny arizona. warm welcome? i think so.
#2 {favorite resturants and seeing friends}
OF COURSE. . the first place i had to go to after getting out of the car was my dearest gecko grill. i pretty much swallowed my meal in one swallow. i love love love gecko and missed it so much. it was fun running into aunt ginger and tony:) my boys cancelled their plans with their friends to be with their sis. they are the best.
i loved being with my cute friends..
britt! i love this girl. she is such a happy person, we go back all the way to 8th grade:)
michelle! we met in utah then she moved to gilbert, so she came to visit me :)

caitlin! we went to yummy bj's.. it was so much fun catching up with this beautiful girl! we didn't have our cameras.. so we used the camera phone.. ya not as good.

jakers: it was so much fun cause i slept on a mattress in his room. i loved our late night talks and spending time with him.. especially on his birthday.

#4 {seeing extended family}
my great nana moved to arizona this year. . mom and i went to her cute place to have lunch with her.. an older man asked us if he could sit with us.. we had to tell him we wanted great nana to ourselves. . thats what happens when your great nana is so beautiful.
uncle justin: it was SO much fun having him in arizona. he's such a fun and handsome uncle. roxy wouldn't leave his side.. i don't blame her.
my amazing grandparents: we got so lucky to have grandma and grandpa whiting come! i mean.. i get them every day, but my family doesn't. i loved being with my nana and grandpa paul too. i have the best grandparents. they love to brag about me:) i get embarrassed sometimes.. but i secretly love it. shhh! dont tell them.
#6 {thanksgiving}
thanksgiving was so good this year. my heart was so full of gratitude. i wouldn't change this year for anything. i now know i can get through anything with the help of my savior. most of all i was and am thankful for the gospel of jesus christ and for forever families.
she's my sunshine.

#8 {jakes birthday}
we did my favorite traditional intimate second thanksgiving dinner with the family for jakes birthday. everyone goes around telling what we are thankful for. i love when my family shares their testimonys and the things they are grateful for. i will cherish those times forever. i was so glad i could be there to celebrate my little brothers 15th!
arizona, don't miss me too much.. i'll be back very soon.
I am laughing hard about the protective gear. That is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE it.
You are SOOO cute! I love you postings.. we really need to hang out when you come down again Please!!
It looks like you had tons of fun!!! :)
This post made me so happy. We really did have a blast. We miss you so much! Okay I can't believe how much alike we are, I just changed my background paper and then clicked on your post and Walah, we have the same blog!!! I'll find another paper, don't worry! I love you so much!!!
love that the blow pops were christmas colors! Very festive!!:)
Beautiful sunset-what a nice homecoming!
Please tell me how to put santa hats on our family picture?! It's so cute!
i'm so glad you love AZ....I have yet to be mentioned in this trip :( sad!
I love that you keep adding on...the anticipation kills me! Wow you did all that in less than two weeks! Look forward to the be continued part!
I love this blog, it was so much fun!!!!!!!
ahh i LOVED visiting you!!! i miss you everyday! stay warm in the cold.. see you at christmas! i love you!
your trip home looks like it was perfect, i'm so jealous. jos you have such a great family and so many friends who love you :)
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