Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pullin Pullin Pullin ..

an ALL nighter!!!

SO this is how the night went..

9:30: got home from colorado
10:00: we caught up and talked
10:30: the usual: hot chocolate
11:00: late night run to taco bell
11:30-1:45:fb/blogging and talking
2:00-2:30: walmart to get dibs..
BUT we went grocery shopping and red boxed also
3:00: movie (we stayed awake the whole time)
5:00: eating dibs and blogging..

seriously? we are sitting next to eachother right now at 5:30 a.m and CAN'T sleep.. i'm pretty sure we have wayy too much fun together.

Some of the favorite pictures from the night.. or should i say morning??!

we realized that we were both wearing these shirts.. our two beauty schools we went to together..

we are delirious --please disregard the lack of make up on my face

even in the wee hours of the morning we have cougar spirit..impressive, we know

they didn't carry nestle cookie dough for a couple of months.. so we were a little excited

notice there is NO one around..

we are crazayyy..

i felt like i was 5 years old again!
lace is ready for halloween

yes, yes, we bought candy land.. and are very proud of our purchase

this is us at six a.m .. wow

umm. .what are we doing up?

we love all nighters..

this is what we should've been doing but didn't

ok-- i need some shut eye right about now..


Jill Heaps said...

YOU ARE A NUT!! An extremely cute nut, but a NUT none the less! Thanks for sharing your crazy adventures... Maybe I should try shopping at that time of night :) Love you

Grafton and Laurisa Milne said...

Oh MYYY! this is so hilarious! wow. I wish I was there! Mom and Nana are really worried that you are going out that late, hahaha. it just makes me laugh :) oh how I love youuu!! know that I would be right by your side if I could :)

Monica said...

I'm glad you are home safe but you are VERY naughty! I told you that you need your sleep and you shouldn't be out in the middle of the night~~~ you can get abducted!!! (And I am serious, haven't you been watching the news) I'm going to have grandma watch you better!!! Bad babies as Nana would say!

sarah ann said...

All nighters are so much fun! It looks like so much fun.

Sarah M.

marilyn said...

Grandpa and I were up excersing early Tues morning and Jos and Lacey hadn't even gone to bed yet, crazy, but I'm glad their having fun, sounds like they need a curfew (ha ha) maybe we better have a as Emily would say a "serious talk" love you anyway

Amber said...

Cute post! Good friends are such a treasure!

This Fri would work for a sleep over...or Monday for family night...or something else that works for you...We need some Josy fun!

Love you!