Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm in love..

with Zac Efron! Lauris & I went today to see 17 again! It was so cute. They could've left some parts out but we loved it because he was in it. It was about a Dad who wanted to live his life over again and turned 17 again. Zac played the part of the 17 year old. Dang. He is so attractive. Lauris and I LOVE him. Too bad he's not a returned missionary.. haha! It was fun because we basically had our own theater! We kept looking at eachother the movie in awe of how cute he was! I'm going to miss my sissy when I move to Utah. She's my better half. <3

& just so you know. He's NOT gay! Thanks to people who try to tell me he is. :)


Cara said...

Oh my gosh Zach and I saw this movie this past weekend too and I am such a Zac fan now! Plus it had some hilarious moments for Zach to like. Overall great movie!

Dawna Allred said...

If there is one thing in life that I envy of is your relationship with your sister. You two are so adorable and really love eachother. I want that someday. =]

wendy said...

Joslyn, I just saw that you updated your blog! I had your blog saved wrong somehow, cuz everytime i checked it showed me a post from February...duh!
BTW, I too love Zac. Never thought I would ever say that, but I saw him on SNL and 17 Again, and oh boy I am in love!