no one tells you how hard it is
-finding a job after school
-providing for yourself
-forgetting the hard things from your past
job search.. job search.. job search.. i had an interview today, i'll find something soon.. i just have to have faith. heavenly father knows that i need to be more patient and i think his plan is having me wait a bit for a job. i feel it.. something great is coming my way.
some things are worth waiting for i guess..
i'm so grateful for everything i have. i will never take a job for granted.
i'm loving utah in the fall. . so beautiful.
You are so good at finding the GOOD in everything...even when it's SO HARD! I LOVE your honesty :) We are praying for you... the job, and EVERYTHING will come! I am glad you are feeling better. We would LOVE to have a sleepover! The kids are off school for fall break this Thursday and Friday. Jac has a swim meet on Friday night but we are open Thursday. Would this work for you? Let me know my sweet niece of mine!!! LOVE YOU
Gratitude is such a blessing.
The things that come easy...don't usually mean as much. I agree with you! Great things are coming your way..and when they do, you will recogonize and embrace them!!!! You have shown me strength cam come in mighty small packages...:)
I remember loosing my job a few months after Lou and I got married. I was devestated. However, I then found a job that gave me the experience to get an amazing job when we went to Dental School. That job taught me so much about compassion, I will always be grateful for that oppurtunity. AND it was right next door to the dental school-I had lunch with Lou everyday!
I am excited for your future sweet girl.
You are preparing well.
(just go eat one...
or two of your dove chocolates.):)
Thanks for coming over tonight! You made my day! I can't wait to hear about your new job that's coming soooooooOON!
Funny, I just wrote about how things never go according to plan, but in the end, it is always for our good. There is a job for you, somewhere, and you will find it and it will allow you to meet people that will help you through life and lead you further to your end goals.
I didn't have a job for awhile and almost went crazy. Then I realized that with all of my extra time I could do family history or go to the temple, or any other act of service. It makes time go by faster! One thing I do know, everything will work out.
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