came to ohio before i started my job.
it was such a highlight! we had so much fun! justin worked a 95 hour work week so we had lots of girl time!!
between studying, testing and job searching.. there wasn't much time left to decorate. i had all my ideas and mama helped make them come true! we basically started from scratch. we literally crafted and shopped til we dropped!
this explains it all. lets just put it this way.. people in ohio are in NO rush!
antique shopping!
we both have the same taste in antiques!
mom was so excited that she found a quilt using the 1930's fabric she just used on hers!

love this hat. wish i could wear it to a tea party. haha

we weren't going to go but we went into the basement of an antique store and within minutes of browsing my jaw opened. my great grandma recently passed away and left me with half of a set of her china.. i had found the whole entire set of the exact china in a tiny basement in ohio. it gave me chills.

we went to lakewood park and enjoyed lake erie. they even have cute little swinging benches with the view of the lake.

oh so green!
came across this little guy, he's so cute!

we went to the yummiest coffee shop/cafe called root. it is such wonderful healthy food. i could eat there every day!

more crafting/ painting furniture.

yay for a freshly painted front door! yes, my mom is the only one in the world who would look cute painting a door.
mister's trunk on one occassion!

we went to mom and pop's produce and got theeee best fruits and veggies. we made the best meals with them!!

mom really thinks this is her old house in st. louis.
we went on morning walks through our neighborhood and into forest on the walking trails!

justin and i took mom to cleveland and we had dinner at a yummy mexican place!

i don't know how i caught this moment on camera. guess it was a good time to scratch your head haha.

i love east fourth street! it's a street stringed with lights and tons of places to eat!

so lovely!
so happy!

the traditional kissy face!

she was absolutely incredible. she is so entertaining and talented!

i feel i got to meet her because she was so personable!

she has helped me get through hard times, she has a way with words. she has also helped me incoroporate being "fearless" into my life.

dear tay swift, please always stay wonderful and wholesome.

don't think my smile could get any bigger!

after church we randomly had a photo shoot in the field by my house...

so since flying into columbus was cheaper, we got a hotel the last night close to the airport. we brought my cricit and made cards for hours!

oh so creative!
and we painted our nails.. actually they are a sticker that hardens into nail polish and stays for weeks. i'm obssessed.
what would a girls night be without a face mask??! we even listened to music mom used to listen to when she was my age.

we sent this picture to justin and dad. here are the responses: justin: where's the cucumber? dad:you look like mulan. hahah.

we stayed up til 3 am.. we didn't want the trip to end. we wanted more time. such a fun girls trip. i felt i was on vacation.. come back mama.. i miss you already.
This is the cutest post ever!!! It brings back all the memories all over again! I had the time of my life. My favorite thing a week of vacation with my daughter crafting...nothing could be better. I am a blessed mom! Thanks for an amazing week and for capturing it on your blog. You made my night!!! Can't wait for October...more to come! XOXO
I think you did everything but sleep. You and your mom are quite a team, I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time. How neat you got Taylor Swift tickets, that is a miracle, its one of those tender mercies, because you really love her music and it helped you get through hard times. You are a great blogger, thank goodness its so fun being a part of your life! I love the picture of Justin, when Mitch oppened his mission call. Love you
This blog is adorable! What a great Mama/Daughta time!! You two are too talented! You need to share some with the rest of us.. and like Grandma Whiting said, Justin's face was PERFECT!!
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