Monday, February 21, 2011

the last few hours of 2010

were wonderful.

we started the night out by going to cpk.


i love us

then the party began..
first, the famous candy bar game!
we all hit the candy jackpot!

p.s either paco or roxy are attached to justin at all times.

cute boys

i love that grin of his.

we love hanging out with these two.
happy 2011.
i have no idea how 2011 can beat 2010, but i know it will come really close.


Jami said...

I love reading your blog. You're way cute and love the pictures. Glad you're so happy :)

Unknown said...

I love this! I love reading your blog as well! So cute Jos! I miss you and your family! Glad to hear that you are doing well :)