Monday, February 21, 2011


was the day we found out where we are going to be living the next 4 years starting this june... cleveland ohio!!

we are thrilled. it is a very complicated process to match especially with the specialty desired and their were only 4 spots in this match, its a really good program and because its four years, i will see more of my husband compared to a three year program. family: save up and come visit us, we could drive to NYC, DC and Chicago within a few hours.. needless to say,
i'm a very proud wife.

we celebrated by going to THE yummiest, most romantic pizza place called pizzeria bianco
i feel like valentines day is everyday, but still loved the special day we had.

marriage with jpattee is oh, so wonderful.

the last few hours of 2010

were wonderful.

we started the night out by going to cpk.


i love us

then the party began..
first, the famous candy bar game!
we all hit the candy jackpot!

p.s either paco or roxy are attached to justin at all times.

cute boys

i love that grin of his.

we love hanging out with these two.
happy 2011.
i have no idea how 2011 can beat 2010, but i know it will come really close.

the most wonderful time

of the year
it really was for us. wedding, honeymoon and christmas all within two weeks.

.. santa gave me gold and him coal.. hmm.. [excuse my green tounge from peanut m&m's]

we got spoiled.. gift certificate to carrabas from jakester

the favorite: sewing machine from mommy. justin's way excited too:)

the family with matching pjs.. sis and g are always even more festive :)

the handsome boys
us, girls
the yummy traditional, breakfast

danced to ddr michael jackson version


it was so much fun for us to spend time with family and enjoy the amazing az weather.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


is the best. we loved every second of it. we went to la jolla, california. it was beautiful. it rained every day and made it even more romantic.
the hotel was incredible.

the view from our room, we loved falling asleep and waking up to the sound of the ocean and to eachother
we hot tubbed every day, its fun in the rain..who knew? loved the things the maids made with towels.
even though staying warm and cuddly inside the hotel was fun.. of course we went out and explored..
we went on this rock that was far out in the ocean.. it was really fun to have the waves on both sides of you
it was his idea..
he made it look like so much fun, i had to join
then we got soaked..
we didn't seem to mind
then we went and saw sea lions. they were just laying around.. and we went out on a bridge over the ocean.. and yes, got soaked again.
it was beautiful
the rest of the time, we rented movies, walked around and went out every meal. you guessed it mexican two nights in a row and it was the same place.
dang it was fun to have no worries and do whatever we wanted.